About Us
Ecological care, one step at a time

Ecocare is engaged in several grassroots level conservation and awareness projects in North America and India. Preservation of the last remaining patches of the grassland in Kutch, Gujarat State in India is one of the major undertaking by us. The foundation is already working in partnership with Kutch Ecological Research center to save the rare and critically endangered bird called Great Indian Bustard, Ardeotis Nigriceps, a species who has lost 90 percent of its former geographic distribution range due to habitat loss.
Founder’s Profile

Yash Chhaya
Founder and Director
Yash Chhaya is a dedicated naturalist and a founding member of Ecocare International Foundation. Yash has been actively involved in the preservation of vanishing wildlife for the past forty years. His articles and photos have been published by The United Nations and The Times of India. He has written and published a pocket guidebook about bird watching hotspots in North America.
Yash had the privilege of working with Dr. Salim Ali, a renowned ornithologist. Dr. Ali has written many books, including a volume of eight books on birds of India with Dr. Dillon Ripley of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. Yash is a lifetime member of The Bombay Natural History Society, a well-established conservation group in India. Yash was also appointed as an education field officer for the World Wildlife Fund, a nonprofit organization, because of his passion, dedication, and knowledge of the local wildlife.
Currently, Yash is focusing his energy and efforts in trying to save and protect the Grasslands of India and the Great Indian Bustard, a highly endangered bird species. As the human population increases, it demands more food and natural resources, creating tremendous pressure on the remaining wilderness. Yash has started a community-based project in the Kutch region of Western India to protect the three species of critically endangered Bustard birds and its habitat.
The time has come to fight on the behalf of our planet’s animals, whose habitats have been destroyed by human needs. It is our responsibility to make sure we preserve our natural heritage.